Was a twice-a-day today as I ran with my daughter in the morning and ran a nice tempo run this afternoon. Perhaps pushed the tempo a bit too high in the tempo run, especially after the workout in the morning.
As a rule I am relatively unlikely to blog regular training runs this year - especially in light of having a public profile on Training Peaks -
there you can get a sense of what I wanted to do in a given week, versus what I actually did. Until I get the Global Trainer, you aren't likely to see that differ very much! But you can see where I ran (cool integration with Google Maps) and the data from my HRM - check it out.
Today's tempo run was great - 20 mins warm up, 9 mins pushing it, 2 off, 9 mins back on, 2 recovering and then 20 min return home. stayed right where I was supposed to stay in terms of heart rate (well maybe a bit high?) and pace (spot on).
I really like my new training plan off of io.com - Dan Becker's Tri site, article by By Benji Durden: http://www.io.com/~beckerdo/triathlons/trainmarathon.html
I highly recommend it.
it's great to feel this positive early in the training. the next weeks are telling, if I improve that's great, if the niggly little injuries get worse, that's telling. All in I'm super excited about the Fall. that's one of the major advantages of having nothing to prove and no real time goal. As we get closer the pressure will build, but for now it's enjoyable simply to do the workouts as planned.
tomorrow's either a double or a fill-in for my hill work that I missed, looking forward to it.
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